Bob Morris has called Austin home for over 26 years. He has worked in the tech industry for 30 years as a consultant being exposed to just about any business industry you could image. This has led to a natural curiosity and desire to ask a lot of questions. Bob decided what better way to satisfy that curiosity and drive to ask questions than to start a podcast that interviews people about how they got to Austin and why it works for them. Thus the “Trail to Austin” was born.
JOEL McCOLL is a 38 yr Austinite and a 45+ veteran of the music community. He cut his musical teeth in the coffee houses and folk venues of Oklahoma before hitting the road in the early 70’s. After several years of playing in stage shows and a 7 piece show band, he joined forces with Jim Tracey and the power duo McCOLL & TRACEY was born. Over the span of a decade, M&T appeared with Bonnie Raitt, Hoyt Axton, David Bromberg, Kenny Rankin, Iain Matthews, Rusty Wier and others. With 2 albums to their credit, M&T had an American Song Festival semifinalist song with “You Depress Me”. A 15 yr stint with MIDLIFE CRISIS followed, leaving a trail of humor, satire, cynicism and jocularity in its’ wake. He’s also known for his 20 yr run as producer/emcee/judge of the O HENRY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PUN-OFF CONTEST held annually.